
Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Goals & Resolutions for 2012

My New Years Resolutions and Goals for 2012.

I think its probably good to set goals for yourself cause, even though you cant quite meet them you're still better off and not having cycles over and over again so I'll share with you the things that I want to stay on top this year and hopefully I can do it

Last year was quite a roller coaster ride for me. I've been through ups and downs since the very begging of the year. There have been things that are so great for me and there have been times that weren't the best but in the same time over all it was a great year.

So this year I'll start by making resolutions for myself even though I dont usually do this. But I guess its time for me to start doing something to improve myself and I guess be more mature for my age cause lets admit it we're not getting any younger.

So here's my list (a long bucket list)

Collect receipts. I've been spending a lot last year and It's quite hard for me to catch up on how much money I've been spending all through out the year. So I decided to collect receipts for me to keep track of how much I spend everyday and how much tax I've been handing the government. Because honestly I'm quite curious on how much tax I pay the government as a student and just simply for me to know how to spend my money next year 2013. I'm sure if I complete this goal by the end of the year I'll be more stingy and more aware on how I spend my money.

Earn my own money. As a student I'm still dependent to my parents (when it comes to money). So for this year I'd love to earn some money of my own cause all of my good friends are already earning money from their hard work. In short be more independent. I guess to some people being independent is attractive. But for me, Its just easier when you only have to worry about yourself. Being independent is actually easier said than done. I know that. 

Be Mentally and Emotionally ready. That's what I need to be independent and to spazz out a little less. This year I need to know myself in order for me to learn the person that I can be and that goes for my thinking and actions. It's not easy to have a relationship with ourselves. I need to depend on myself and not take crap from other people. No, not this year.

Be Organize. I need to channel my inner O.C,-ness. Last year my room, school and everything else was such a mess. So this year I decided to get pass that. I'm in need of hardcore guidance when it comes to this since I have commitment issues. I mean seriously. I need HELP!

To Workout. Last August I've been gaining weight like crazy. I don't know why maybe I'm just getting old, so now I need to watch my weight and try to improve my fitness. I want to have a healthy year. So I'll start dieting and working out. I don't want to end up in our family's curse (the extra fat in our cookie jar curse) no offence to my family & relatives. :) So my workout of choice is to maybe just start running on our treadmill since no else use it. I know its not a huge thing but I'm excited to tackle that challenge and hopefully that would also keep me up on doing my cardio every week cause its not really in my nature to workout and exercise. 

Make my own clothes. So last December my Aunt gave me my first Sewing Machine. As a Fashion Design student I should try to make my own clothes in order for me to improve my skills in dress making. It's for my career but mostly for me. I need to stop spending too much on shopping for clothes and start to make some. 

Change my everyday bag. Almost half of the year last year I was using the same bag. The moment I got my Marc by Marc Jacobs Shopper Canvas Bag I've been using it nonstop. I guess its because it holds so much of things and I usually bring lots of stuff with me everyday. So this year. I'll start to find a good big bag that's as flexible as my Marc Jacobs bag. Cause it needs a day off too!

Accessorize more. Lately I've been collecting accessories such as necklaces, bangles and lots of rings. I was never a accessories fan before. Now all I do is buy and buy more for my collection. I never realized how much an outfit can change when you have the best & right accessories on. So this year I'll be more on accessories than clothes. Silver, Gold or Bronze name it. I'll buy it!

Get a Regular Sleep Schedule. I am the worst night owl. Like in my free time I would watch and catch up on my TV Series watching all day, all night and not get enough sleep so I'll sleep in the morning. (I'm kind of like a Vampire though, more of a True Blood Vampire than a Twilight Vampire) So I really want to make it a priority to go to bed in a reasonable time and get enough sleep and have a really productive awake day, instead of being tired all the time. I think that's a really huge one and I think everyone should follow that, just for health care. I need to make most out of my day.

Blog more. This past few months I've been having writers block from time to time. So for that to go away, I need to make at lease one blog post per week. I mean I think that should be pretty easy since its only one per week right? But sometimes my schedule just gets so busy its really difficult too. But I think instead of just trying to get to sleep at night without any winding down. I thinks its really good to get into the habit on writing just a few paragraphs for a blog post and having that would help me to get to bed at night, because I do have a very difficult time try to fall asleep, hence my insomnia and not having a regular sleep schedule. So yeah one blog post per week this 2012! Yey me!

And lastly (whew!) is to... 

Survive this 2012. I know it is said that the world would end this 2012 but all I know is, life wasnt always easy everyday but we survived, so 2012 isnt the end for me. Cause when 2013 comes and I'll be reading this blog post by then and just laugh at the idea of the rapture. 

I hope you guys have a sparkling and amazing 2012, I cant believe how fast 2011 went, but 2012 is upon us and I'm sure it will be amazing I can't even wait to see what happens, so Happy New Year!

xo, Manic Pixie

I thank God for the wonderful year he gave us. I thank my family, love ones and my friends...
And now I'll share you our year end party video! Thanks Seven Barretto for this. The video captured our closeness and everything about us. We are LOVE. We are MEMA FRIENDS. :) <3

The Mema Year End Party from Seven Barretto on Vimeo.

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