
Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Laissez-faire Game

In the game of life as I see it, people keep looking for that certain thing that will help them feel alive.  And with that factor they'll know what will keep them from playing the game. There's no rules set out there to play the game. So instead we make them. Rules are the reason we live. Formal or informal as it is, it keeps us alive. And that factor considered by ourself courts in deciding whether to grant bond with the idea of living. 

Thursday, September 27, 2012

The Reboot

Getting back to square one was never an easy task. Specially when you've been doing it for half a decade now. I can't seem to help myself from indulging and craving from what seems to be left in our half-witted relationship. I always ask myself. Will it ever go away? That inkling you get when you think about what might happen if everything go the way you planned.

In the process of hibernation from yet another dating disaster

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

The Never Ending Tale

People do stupid things to be loved. We try to adapt to change. That feeling you get when you start to question yourself whether you're stupid doings are just plain stupid, and then trust issues comes along and kicks your self purity out of the equation. That 99% in you keeps hanging on, while there's that 1%. That statistical margin of error. It'll drag you down.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Monthly Favorites: August (Party Edition)

This will be my first entry of My Monthly Favorites. August flew by like cray, lots of parties and a very large amount of drama on the side. The heavy rain of August didn't stop us from celebrating.

Friday, August 24, 2012

The Usual Suspect: The Friend with Benefits

Being "in friend" with someone doesn't mean you're in a relationship. But in a parallel universe where I live in, friendship is still a relationship that you need to work for. You need to set yourself from the most unlikely possibilities your friendship can have. Its like living in a world where everything you do needs constant attention. And what you do or give, you expect to receive something in return.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Silence of The Loves

On the days of awful silence after what happened, a bunch of over thinking stroke me. The feelings I've been keeping to myself was a little bit too much for me. Diverting my feelings over hanging out with friends and taking myself to far worst of my being, made me feel some what nauseous than I ever was. I was even on the verge of flipping out again on a blog post. Then it hit me. I needed to stop. I don't need help because I know I can help myself. I've been doing it for almost all of my life.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Ex MARKs The Spot

Can you be friends with your ex? How can you be friends with your ex? How can it even start? Where will it end up? I need answers and I need it fast. My judgement needs questioning when it comes to my own love life. I guess everyone's on the same page on that one.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Mission: Red Head Ginger

Hey dolls! Missed me? Okay so I'm super sorry cus I wasn't able to keep my promise to blog in a weekly basis. I haven't been in my blog for the longest time. Been busy struggling from the ups and downs of my life. So here's my second attempt to blog weekly

If you're like me who doesn't give too much diversity on their hair then pretty much you'll be surprise with what hair color I've been wanting to do. "RED" hair it is! I went through quite the experience with dyeing my hair. Changing my dyed ombre brown hair back to black was such a roller coaster for me last 2011. I can't make up mind if I want it to be dyed black or not. After a lot of thinking I went ahead and dyed it semi permanently with Blackening Shampoo and ended up liking it. So I started going back to my natural color one step at a time.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Goals & Resolutions for 2012

My New Years Resolutions and Goals for 2012.

I think its probably good to set goals for yourself cause, even though you cant quite meet them you're still better off and not having cycles over and over again so I'll share with you the things that I want to stay on top this year and hopefully I can do it

Last year was quite a roller coaster ride for me. I've been through ups and downs since the very begging of the year. There have been things that are so great for me and there have been times that weren't the best but in the same time over all it was a great year.

So this year I'll start by making resolutions for myself even though I dont usually do this. But I guess its time for me to start doing something to improve myself and I guess be more mature for my age cause lets admit it we're not getting any younger.

So here's my list (a long bucket list)